Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



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DevOps-Management und Beratungsdienste

Mit dem DevOps-Service prüft Xinerji mit seinem fachkundigen Beraterstab alle Anwendungen von Unternehmen und bietet eine detaillierte Analyse der Ist-Situation.

In den nach Statusstufen erstellten Tabellen werden die verbesserungsbedürftigen Bereiche benannt und detaillierte Lösungsvorschläge angeboten.

Umpfang des DevOps-Dienstes

Die Schaffung der Entwicklunsinfrastruktur, die die digitale Transformation beschleunigen wird, wird von DevOps-Beratungsdiensten ermöglicht.

Lassen Sie uns Ihre Fähigkeiten ausbauen und Ihre Prozesse im Hinblick auf Automatisierung und Effizienz stärken.

Sind Sie bereit für die digitale Transformation?

Mit aktueller Technologieinfrastruktur und Softwarelösungen stehen wir Ihnen zur Seite.

« Usability testing helps to reduce the risk that we’re building the wrong thing for our customers, while also bringing colleagues outside of the design team closer to our customers and their direct feedback. »
Peter Smith
San Francisco, California
« There are about 11 hours of video conferencing time in the process we normally follow, and with the added time associated with reaching out to clients. »
Anna Brown
San Francisco, California
« Because a lot of what our design team works on is confidential, we needed to set controls over who had access to the prototype while we were creating it, and restrict access with simple password settings when recruiting participants. »
Michel Doe
San Francisco, California
« From the moment we launched our usability test, it took only a week to get useful results. »
Sarah Miller
San Francisco, California
« Usability testing helps to reduce the risk that we’re building the wrong thing for our customers, while also bringing colleagues outside of the design team closer to our customers and their direct feedback. »
Peter Smith
San Francisco, California
« There are about 11 hours of video conferencing time in the process we normally follow, and with the added time associated with reaching out to clients. »
Anna Brown
San Francisco, California
« Because a lot of what our design team works on is confidential, we needed to set controls over who had access to the prototype while we were creating it, and restrict access with simple password settings when recruiting participants. »
Michel Doe
San Francisco, California
« From the moment we launched our usability test, it took only a week to get useful results. »
Sarah Miller
San Francisco, California
« Usability testing helps to reduce the risk that we’re building the wrong thing for our customers, while also bringing colleagues outside of the design team closer to our customers and their direct feedback. »
Peter Smith
San Francisco, California
« There are about 11 hours of video conferencing time in the process we normally follow, and with the added time associated with reaching out to clients. »
Anna Brown
San Francisco, California
« Because a lot of what our design team works on is confidential, we needed to set controls over who had access to the prototype while we were creating it, and restrict access with simple password settings when recruiting participants. »
Michel Doe
San Francisco, California
« From the moment we launched our usability test, it took only a week to get useful results. »
Sarah Miller
San Francisco, California

Wir sind mit unserem DevOps-Team immer erreichbar.

Sie erreichen uns rund um die Uhr unter der folgenden Telefonnummer und über das Kontaktformular.

0850 288 31 52  oder Kontaktformular


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Unser kompetentes DevOps-Team

Wir nehmen Ihre Arbeit an und begleiten Sie in Ihren Prozessen.

Wir entwickeln für Sie

Mit unserem kompetenten Team entwickeln wir für Sie die passenden und leistungsfähigen Systeme.