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About us

Your partner for technology solutions

Xinerji Technology develops software solutions for leading logistics companies, defense industry institutions and financial institutions in Turkey. We want to be proud to be the technology leaders in the logistics and transport industry.


Founded in 2003 in the Technology Development Center of Boğaziçi University, it developed Turkey’s first Ajax-based framework in 2004 and was supported by the State Development and Support Administration for small and medium-sized enterprises, KOSGEB for short. In 2006, the technology was renamed Ajax.

In 2004, Turkey’s first Ajax-based web application was implemented in the logistics and transport sector.

In 2021 we are proud to be a team of over 100 employees who are constantly learning and always 2-3 steps ahead in their professional career.

Our Values

Cooperation, creative solutions, solution orientation and added value form the DNA of Xinerji.

Our Vision

Our customers and the expertise of our team that develops innovative approaches and solutions, leading the industry.

Our Task

Ensuring that our customers and our team are always one step ahead.
