Operation Integration with TMS-FMS
Integration of marketplace processes with
Transportation Management System (TMS-FMS).

Account Process
The process in which address cards are transitioned into a
structure usable in automation. For example, the completion of the address card
process after the address card person's email structure for sending automatic arrival
and departure notifications.

Air Operation Process
Management and tracking of air transportation operations.

Sea LCL Process
Management of sea transportation processes for Less than Container Load (LCL) shipments.

Sea FCL Process
Management of sea transportation processes for Full Container Load
(FCL) shipments.
Road LTL Process
Management of road transportation processes for Less Than Truckload (LTL) shipments.
Road FTL Process
Management of road transportation processes for Full Truckload (FTL)

Track & Trace Process
The track and trace process is handled differently from operational
processes. Its scope can be broader or more concise. It may vary for customers, shippers,
recipients, and agents within the same operation. It can vary independently for different
customer profiles regardless of the operation.
Escalation Definitions
Determining escalation procedures to be applied in the event of
issues or delays. This involves structuring when and at what level reporting to higher
management is necessary and the timing of such reporting. Establishing whether the
managerial level should be one level higher or the highest within the hierarchical structure.

Approval Processes
Approval structure involves determining which approval stages
automated or triggered by the user-triggered processes will go through. For example, the
approval of a quote email sent to a customer by a sales representative. Another example is
structuring how an automatic departure notice sent to the customer based on the integration
with the system’s aircraft departure date (ATD) will go through an approval process.

Notifications and pre-alerts automaticly sent to customers, suppliers, agents,
and business partners. For example, automatic triggering of departure and arrival notices
through integration with incoming airline ATD, ATA datas.

With 3rd Party Mailing Products
Notification and Used Information Collection
It ensures that price notifications, operation notifications, bulk price notifications and campaign data are produced by the system and sent to customers in a special design.
Price Collection
The process of gathering price information from various sources.

Price Publishing
The process of presenting collected price information to customers.

Customer and Supplier Approval and Information Collection in Operational Steps
The process of gathering approval and information from customers and suppliers during
operational steps.
Operation Change Request Process Management (Internal Users)
Management of
internal users’ operation change requests. CRPM pauses current operation process, after
CRPM completed current operation process with continue.
Customer Change Request Process Usage
Management of customers operation change
Agent Change Request Process Usage
Management of agents operation change requests.

Management of agents operation change requests.
Integration of marketplace platforms with TMS-FMS.

Airline Fare and Reservation Integration
Integration of airline fare and reservation processes.
Shipowner Fare and Reservation Integrations
Integration of maritime transportation
shipowner fare and reservation processes.

Pricing Tariff Controls with Test Automation
Checking pricing tariffs on Marketplace with test automation.
Product Price Verification with Test Automation
Verifying product prices with test
Marketplace Application Checks with Test Automation
Verifying the accuracy of prices
uploaded or integrated to online platforms or marketplaces through integration before
publication using test automation. This ensures that customers see correct results when
searching for newly entered prices on the online platform.